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Live Foods

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3D Printing

3D printing is no longer restricted to the wealthiest and most powerful businesses. Recent innovations in technology have allowed for a much larger population to have access to 3D printing.  

Live Foods

Live foods are no longer restricted to zoos, aquariums and scientific facilities. The knowledge has been graciously passed down to hobbyists to bring high quality, nutrient dense foods to your home aquarium.

I have always bought my 3D printers with the same intention. To innovate and make the reef and aquarium hobby cheaper. 3D printing has several aspects that is appealing to customers:

Though some people might think its foolish, I don't just view my fishes as decor, but apart of the family like my retrievers. I take pride in raising my fishes and want to provide the best and highest quality foods I can provide.

Price Reduction: On a large scale project I wanted to see how much I could replicate a 600$ protein skimmer for using only 3D printing (with the exception of acrylic for the cup). Instead of paying 600$ and getting a protein skimmer in 2-3 days, I payed 80$ in plastic, and waited 7 days for the pieces to print. 

3D printing can reduce highly overcharged equipment as it is monopolized by certain companies.

Customization: Its the little things that make something feel personalized. If you wanted your name engraved on a fluorescent coral frag rack, well good luck. Upon request I will add anything you want me to, a logo, a nickname, a certain mechanism, the ability to integrate machinery, you name it. 

CONTACT: or send a message via Facebook to ask about customized 3D prints 

  • What are copepods?
    Copepods are small crustaceans that reside in both freshwater and saltwater environments. These copepods are detritivores whom consume dead organic matter, detritus, phytoplankton. There are a variety of species ranging from Tisbe biminiesis, Apocyclops panamensis, and Tigriopus californicus which are most prominant in the saltwater hobby. These microorganisms are plentiful in carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids, and other nutrients!
  • What is phytoplankton?
    Phytoplankton is a group of microalgae that makes up the basis of all food chains in the ocean. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and other nutrients, it makes a wonderful addition to your feeding regimen. Species available for sale are only Nannochloropsis.
  • What copepods are right for me?
    Well ask yourself this, what are you using copepods for? Do you wish to increase the diversity of microfauna in your aquaria, want something that breeds readily and rapidly in your aquarium? Tisbe or apex pods are the way to go. These are fast breeders and are benthic copepods, meaning they stay near the rocks and substrate, and reproduce rapidly as they are not noticed by pelagic fishes. Tisbes and apex pods work great for mandarin gobies, dragonettes, various wrasses, and other fishes that search the rockwork for a meal. Larger copepods such as Tigriopus californicus are great for various fishes as they are larger and are easier to be seen. The downside to Tigriopus is that, because they are a cold water species, have a hard time repopulating an aquarium, thur requiring more purchases later on.
  • How can I culture copepods or phytoplankton?
    There are a variety of methodologies uses to culture these live foods. They require time and effort to explain so the best way to ask is to email to answer any questions you might have concerning starting your own culture.
  • How can I request custom 3D printed models?
    For custom designs, email to submit or ask any questions about our 3D printing. Also check us out on facebook about models and items already for sale!
  • Are 3D printed models safe?
    Our 3D printed models utilize a fillament called PETG or Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol. This is the same compound that makes up the water bottles utilzed by millions every day. Our colors are only available in black (for now) because of the dyes. Cheap fillaments utilize cheap dyes that will leach in the presence of water, we take great efforts to run tests on our fillament in RODI water and saltwater to ensure that your model won't degrade anytime soon.
  • What do custom 3D prints usually cost?
    Costs depend on a variety of things. First the price of plastic is included in the charge (2.84$ per 0.25 lbs), then the designing time. A charge of 10$ per hour is added to desigining the model (average time is 10 minutes), a charge of .5$ is added to each hour of printing, depending on the size of the model, and finally another fee is added depending on the complexity of the object with the cleanup and finishing.



Maile Made Reef Supplies takes the aspects of the hobby, biotic and abiotic, and combines them into one experience. Maile Made Reef Supplies specializes in custom 3D printed aquarium equipment and live cultured foods for your marine aquaria. 

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30582 Fifth Lake Road, Avon, Minnesota 56310

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